Monday, November 19, 2012

Good Bye Sister Schaerr! Hello New Sister!!!!

Hello Family and Friends,
First I am sorry that this is late again and going to be short and a mass e-mail. I promise next week will be a proper e-mail.
So tomorrow I will be taking Sister Schaerr to Berlin to end her mission. It has been an amzing 4 1/2 months and I have learned so much! This week we have gone around and been able to meet with a lot of those that we have taught together. It has been wonderful to see just how much these people love Sister Schaerr, and how she has changed their life. I feel so blessed to be able to have served with her for as long as I have.
So with Sister Schaerr leaving there has been a spot opened in Langenhore and...I will be training! Yep that is right President Kosak know how sad I was going to be about Sister Schaerr going home so he decided the best way for me to be able to focus was giving me a new missionary that I would have to watch over, and learn from. To be completely honest I feel like I could use a few more transfers under a more experienced sister, but the Lord qualifies who He calls, and I am excited to be qualified ;)
So I will be in Berlin most of this week, which I am way excited for. I will be able to take Sister Schaerr all the way to Berlin, and hopefully be able to see some of the members that I worked with in Eisenhüttenstadt!
Once again I am sorry this is late, but things will settle down next week, and I will write more about what has been going on with all the people we have been working with. I could have never imagined just how crazy busy missionary life can be, but I am thankful that I can have this chance. I love you all so much! I am sorry I have not be writting super good e-mails how ever I have been trying to keep a good journal so when I get home we will sit down and I will tell you all the stories in person.  
Well we have to finish packing, but I will write next week. Thanks for all the updates, the pictures, and the stories! I love you all so much!!!!!
-Sister Kimberly Bohne

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1 comment:

  1. Sister Bohne
    We are all truly blessed. Our Lord is ever merciful and gives us many reasons to rejoice in His name in behalf of our family as well as sharing the joy with the down trodden.

    We rejoice this Thanksgiving that we had a full table of: my parents,
    Ammon, Lisa,
    Daniel (6 -3/4), and Samuel (4);

    Jeremie, Sharla, Mason (4-1/2), Dustin (15 mos.);

    Dallin and Ashley are expecting a child in May. They are both going to school full time, working, serving in the church, and seeing both sides of the family a few times this past semester.

    We (R&S) are enjoying the Spanish branch here in I.F. We both feel stretched but we rejoice to be in His service.

    We missed other family. But each of us is striving to have every seat filled in heaven.

    Each Thanksgiving and Christmas is unique and special in its own way. I enjoyed putting together a Lego set with Daniel (my first time, his 2nd time). Step by step we did it with excitement. Ashley helped Sam with his Lego set. Sharla helped Mason with his Lego set. The Pettingill family have been putting together Lego's as one of their many family acitivities. Yes, we did eat, read the Book of Moroni this past week together, and did simple activities but priceless nevertheless.
    May you feel our love this Christmas in a land of Christmas Carols, etc. With love, Susan, Richard, and family.
