Hello everyone!
Alrighty then, last Monday was fantastic! We got together with 16 other missionaries. That was a ball! (pun intended). There were only 4 of us sisters so we played together. It was so much fun. The best part was the bowling shoes. They were red, white, and blue. We all decieded we should by them and make a missionary fashion statement....but it never happend.
As we walked to the train station we saw some people moving into a house. So naturally we offered our services. They turned us down which is to bad because they would of been finished moving in about an hour. It was a really fun day, which is what preperation days are supposed to be.
We met with Regine at the church house. Sister Hinkle got her first hug from her! Whoot whoot! Huge progress there. Sister Bohne recieved a new jacket from Regine. It was too small for Regine. We sang hymns together and Sister Hinkle attempted to play a hymn or two. She is getting better at it.
We met with an investigator named Laarni. She is from the Phillipeans. (Side note, she makes the best food ever!) She has been taking the missionary discussions for 3 months now. Up until a few weeks ago she wasn't making much progress. Two weeks ago she started really praying and reading the scriptures! She understands so much. We shared with her how much she has really learned and how much she has changed in 3 months. Then Sister Hinkle invited her to baptism. She said she would but that we would set a baptisimal date later. AHHHHHH! We were so excited! Laarni just has become more happy and is really showing her personality now.
Later that night we went to the De Silva family's house. They don't hardly speak German and we know maybe 5 words of spanish. So we had a German lesson and used the Book of Mormon and the Hymns to learn new words. It was really really fun. They are the most loving family ever.
The morning was spent in deep relection as we studied and studied with many insights and conections. We then went to Tafel. What fun and joy to be of service to all of the girls and boys. When Tafel was over there was food still to be found. So we sister decided to carry a bag of oranges around. We had an appointment with the Mansour family. So we hid the bag of oranges in a line of trees you see. We went to the Mansour's and had a good lesson.There was a lot of progress made as we wrapped up our lesson. We left with a smile and walked to the trees. We found our bag of oranges right where we thought they'd be. When we got home we finished our day with a nice glass of orange juice that we had earned that day.
We did our normal routine of study and sport. We were then ate lunch with a delightful member named Sister Mensen. She is fantastic! She makes us stirfry every time we come and it so delicous that we are happy to come. We sang the hymn "Lead kindly light" and we read Psalms 119:105. It is now one of Sister Hinkle's personal favorites. Sister Mensen was on a commity to help translate the english hymns into German. Cool Beans! We got home and did some weekly planning. We then went to Ward Council. That was actually quite fun. We brought chocolate chip cookies but somehow they tased German. Don't know how that happend.
Today we had a Zone training meeting. It was really interesting and our Mission President was truely inspired to say what he said. We practiced teaching eachother and it was really fun. We learned a lot that day.
Saturday was a day of miracles. Sister Bohne and I have been waiting for our Christmas packages to get here. So we decided to pray for a package from home. We knew it was a little selfish but we both know that God answers prayers. So we met with Sister John and had a lovely appoiontment. She is a sweet soul. We then came home for lunch and to check our mailboy. There was nothing inside. We then went to Mirja's to talk about this stake mission party that we want to do. We want to do a Western night with BBQ, three legged races and line dancing (naturally). Mirja made the best looking program ever! It was a very productive meeting and it just makes us want to work that much harder to get it going. We then went to Sister Glen's for dinner.
She had made an American Thanksgiving dinner. Gravy and all! Then for dessert we had rootbeer floats. With A&W rootbeer! Whoot Whoot! As we were drinking them Sister Glen said "Isn't it nice to get a taste of home?". Sister Bohne and I looked at eachother and realised that God had answered our prayer for a package from home with a can of rootbeer. Tecnically 2 because she gave us each one to take home. That was a really big testimony builder. God does answer our prayers, just sometimes not in the way we expect.
Later that night we went to the De Silva's again with a joint teach. Norman (our joint teach) speaks German, English and Spanish. We held a Family Home Evening with them. Language barriers are fun.
We went to church and as we sat in the chapel Laarni walked in!!!!!!! We were blown away! This is the first time she has come to church! So exciting! Laarni and Bertha De Silva became fast friends. Laarni invtited all of us to come over to her house for dinner. Bertha said yes!! We had a lunch appointment with the Wittkopp's. They have the coolest house and they are totally family oriented. It was way fun. They have the coolest house. We shared Helaman 5:12 with them.It talks about building on a solid foundation. I just love it. We asked them if there was anything we could do for them and they actually gave us a service project and not food! YAY! So on Wed. we are going over to help them do sanding.
We went to Laarni's with Bertha, her 3 children and her sister. It was a blast we had so much fun. We watched a film called Finding Faith in Christ. The spirit was way strong I just love it. I just love watching the faith of those we are teaching grow as we add the friendsip of members!
So those are the highlights from last week. Hope you enjoyed them!
Sister Daneen Hinkle, Kimberly Bohne in Langenhorn Germany
Alrighty then, last Monday was fantastic! We got together with 16 other missionaries. That was a ball! (pun intended). There were only 4 of us sisters so we played together. It was so much fun. The best part was the bowling shoes. They were red, white, and blue. We all decieded we should by them and make a missionary fashion statement....but it never happend.

As we walked to the train station we saw some people moving into a house. So naturally we offered our services. They turned us down which is to bad because they would of been finished moving in about an hour. It was a really fun day, which is what preperation days are supposed to be.
We met with Regine at the church house. Sister Hinkle got her first hug from her! Whoot whoot! Huge progress there. Sister Bohne recieved a new jacket from Regine. It was too small for Regine. We sang hymns together and Sister Hinkle attempted to play a hymn or two. She is getting better at it.
We met with an investigator named Laarni. She is from the Phillipeans. (Side note, she makes the best food ever!) She has been taking the missionary discussions for 3 months now. Up until a few weeks ago she wasn't making much progress. Two weeks ago she started really praying and reading the scriptures! She understands so much. We shared with her how much she has really learned and how much she has changed in 3 months. Then Sister Hinkle invited her to baptism. She said she would but that we would set a baptisimal date later. AHHHHHH! We were so excited! Laarni just has become more happy and is really showing her personality now.
Later that night we went to the De Silva family's house. They don't hardly speak German and we know maybe 5 words of spanish. So we had a German lesson and used the Book of Mormon and the Hymns to learn new words. It was really really fun. They are the most loving family ever.
The morning was spent in deep relection as we studied and studied with many insights and conections. We then went to Tafel. What fun and joy to be of service to all of the girls and boys. When Tafel was over there was food still to be found. So we sister decided to carry a bag of oranges around. We had an appointment with the Mansour family. So we hid the bag of oranges in a line of trees you see. We went to the Mansour's and had a good lesson.There was a lot of progress made as we wrapped up our lesson. We left with a smile and walked to the trees. We found our bag of oranges right where we thought they'd be. When we got home we finished our day with a nice glass of orange juice that we had earned that day.
We did our normal routine of study and sport. We were then ate lunch with a delightful member named Sister Mensen. She is fantastic! She makes us stirfry every time we come and it so delicous that we are happy to come. We sang the hymn "Lead kindly light" and we read Psalms 119:105. It is now one of Sister Hinkle's personal favorites. Sister Mensen was on a commity to help translate the english hymns into German. Cool Beans! We got home and did some weekly planning. We then went to Ward Council. That was actually quite fun. We brought chocolate chip cookies but somehow they tased German. Don't know how that happend.
Today we had a Zone training meeting. It was really interesting and our Mission President was truely inspired to say what he said. We practiced teaching eachother and it was really fun. We learned a lot that day.
Saturday was a day of miracles. Sister Bohne and I have been waiting for our Christmas packages to get here. So we decided to pray for a package from home. We knew it was a little selfish but we both know that God answers prayers. So we met with Sister John and had a lovely appoiontment. She is a sweet soul. We then came home for lunch and to check our mailboy. There was nothing inside. We then went to Mirja's to talk about this stake mission party that we want to do. We want to do a Western night with BBQ, three legged races and line dancing (naturally). Mirja made the best looking program ever! It was a very productive meeting and it just makes us want to work that much harder to get it going. We then went to Sister Glen's for dinner.

Later that night we went to the De Silva's again with a joint teach. Norman (our joint teach) speaks German, English and Spanish. We held a Family Home Evening with them. Language barriers are fun.
We went to church and as we sat in the chapel Laarni walked in!!!!!!! We were blown away! This is the first time she has come to church! So exciting! Laarni and Bertha De Silva became fast friends. Laarni invtited all of us to come over to her house for dinner. Bertha said yes!! We had a lunch appointment with the Wittkopp's. They have the coolest house and they are totally family oriented. It was way fun. They have the coolest house. We shared Helaman 5:12 with them.It talks about building on a solid foundation. I just love it. We asked them if there was anything we could do for them and they actually gave us a service project and not food! YAY! So on Wed. we are going over to help them do sanding.
We went to Laarni's with Bertha, her 3 children and her sister. It was a blast we had so much fun. We watched a film called Finding Faith in Christ. The spirit was way strong I just love it. I just love watching the faith of those we are teaching grow as we add the friendsip of members!
So those are the highlights from last week. Hope you enjoyed them!
Sister Daneen Hinkle, Kimberly Bohne in Langenhorn Germany
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