Wow this week has been incredible! We have had some amazing fireside, workshops, and class room discussions on all sorts of topics. This week I am going to highlight one of these topics.
The topic I am going to write on was a lesson in class that really opened my eyes and touched my heart. The topic we discussed was the Law of Chastity. My amazing teacher Bro. Swanson has the ability when talking about gospel principles to hit it from a different more in depth yet simple way then most people. He started off like most Law of Chastity lessens, or in German Das Gesete der Keuschheit, and explained the three worst sins as Alma describes. They being Denying the Holy Ghost, Shedding of Innocent blood, and Breaking the Law of Chastity. He pointed out that if those are the worst of sinning the opposite would bring some of the greatest blessings. They being instead of Denying the Holy Ghost, full heatedly accepting the Holy Ghost. When if we do this, we will be blessed with knowledge from God, direction in this life, and protecting. Instead of Murder, Giving up your life figuratively or latterly for Jesus the Christ. This Bringing a magnitude of blessings, of this I can testify. And last but definitely not lest, instead of breaking the Law of Chastity, Being chaste. Giving us the opportunity to bring children into loving homes under convents that God will bless us and help us rear those children. pulse once again bringing in a magnitude of blessings. I am going to briefly go over 5 of these blessings and 5 attributes that we develop from obeying the law of chastity.
Protection- Physically, Emotionally, spiritually.
The ability of Creation- Not just in creating life, but homes. This explains the why and how of God works, and why breaking the law of chastity is the third worst of all sins. This is how God teaches us to become like him, this is where we learn to create worlds within our home. Where we learn to love like He loves. Where we are given the opportunity to help develop spirits in hopes that they will become the best they can be. This is where we learn to become Gods and Goddesses.
Trust- We have the ability to trust ourselves, trust that we have the strength to be the person God needs us to be. Trust that we have the self control to accomplish great things. It gives us the ability to trust our significant other. If they are able to protect that which is most sacred, it leads me to believe that we are able to trust them with all. It allows us to put our trust in the Lord, trusting in his laws and his timing. And obeying this law makes is possible to trust our family, knowing that it is centered on correct principles.
Love- Obedience to this law gives us the ability to truly understand what love is, to our spouse, to our God, and to the children we bring in to this world. Obedience to this law is what holds family's together makes two into one.
Peace- Peace that we are protected from disease from mistrust and heart ache. Peace that we are becoming like God. Peace that those we trust trust us. and Peace that the love we have is real love.
So along with these blessings we develop Attributes
Protection Develops into Virtue- We understand more of who we truly are. We have the ability to see ourselves and the world how God sees. It keeps us pure.
The Power of Creation develops into Knowledge- We can't truly understand this until we are obeying this law. We are blessed with pure knowledge of who we are, who God is, and how this world works. In essence we more fully have the Holy Spirit with us, teaching and instructing us as to the things pertaining to God.
Trust develops into Faith- Once we have the ability to trust ourselves, we have ability to develop the faith necessary to be who we need to be, to be the person God sees in us. The obeying of this law also makes our hearts soft enough so what we are more willing to accept who that person is.
Love develops into Charity- The pure love of Christ, for self, for spouse, family, and the rest of the world.
Peace develops into Hope- Faith is the action, Charity is the cause, hope is what God gives us to be able to accomplish things and believe he is there through the hard times.
All of these things can be ours if we understand the blessings that come from living the Law of Chastity. Way to often growing up did I feel like the law of Chastity was a list of "Don't do's" with consequences scary enough to any child to insure obedience. I know that if we but focus on the blessings of this law, teaching the positives and not the negatives, those we teach will strive to live this law out of a desire to improve rather then obeying this law out of fear.
I testify that obedience to this law will bring so many blessings. I have seen it in my life, and in the life of those around me. I know that this commandment is from God to insure our happiness. I know that in my life as I have obeyed this law the blessings have been to large to number. I know that as we more fully understands the blessings of this law, and look and teach people about the positive side of the Law of Chastity that people will understand the impotence and will obey because they love God, and they want the blessings.
I am grateful for this opportunity that I have been given to learn more about my Savior and his plan for use.
I hope all is going will back at home. I miss you all so much. I realized the other day that river season has just started up, and I miss all you river guides like CRAZY! I just wanted to thank all of those who helped me get on this mission. I often look back to almost a year ago when the Lord put so many amazing people into my life, and where I have ended up because of my time working at WWRE. Have fun, be safe, and don't hit hole one...Nicki you would be glade to hear that 'obedience is ceasing to be an irritant and is becoming a quest, I am realizing those moments God has blessed me with power'.
Well ya'll have a WONDERFUL week, and send me some cool pictures of training. :)
-Sis Kim Bohne
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