That is so cool that there are so many good young men leaving for missions from our ward. Those 12 apostles are going to change every mission they are in.
It sounds like the heavens are at work on the Brown family! They have been on my mind my whole entire mission. It makes me so happy to see they are making progress.
However, no matter how great splits are, coming back home to Marzahn Otto-Nagel 13 with Sister Kriser is the best! It is so much fun working with her. She daily teaches me about endurance, diligence, and fun. Do you know that saying; ''Stop and smell the roses.'' Sister Kriser takes that latterly. Everywhere we go she is stopping on the side of the road and smelling all the flowers that are now blooming. Just the other day as we were doing some door to door around our church we both bent down to smell this beautiful yellow flower. As we continued walking I look over and see this bright yellow spot on the tip of her nose.I started laughing and before I could say anything she just started laughing and pointing at my nose...morel of the story I don't think I am a Brown nosier anymore rather a yellow nosier.
Love you lots.
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