When Abraham was tested to sacrifice his son, Isaac, it was not to let Jehovah know how he would act or react. Jehovah knows everything in his attitudes of being omniscient and omnipotent. The reason was very personal and very important – also for us today.
Elder Hugh B. Brown once replied to Truman G. Madsen in Jerusalem, "Abraham needed to know something about Abraham."
Abraham learned something about how far would his consecration go, his willingness to do the will of the Father, his submissiveness, even his love to the Lord. As we discussed weeks ago – Joseph Smith, on the way back, after his First vision, replied to his mother, "I have learned for myself…"
We all have to learn for ourselves. We all have to learn something about ourselves. It is not possible to live with "leased or rented oil".
I would like to ask all of us to look in the mirror from time to time and to give report to ourselves where we stand in our testimony and fulfilling of our purpose. Accountability – personalized! Let us learn something about ourselves. Let us be sure that we're going in the right direction.
I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Till next time
-Sis Kim Bohne
I hope all of you have a wonderful week! Till next time
-Sis Kim Bohne
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